Redemption Hill is a community of people who love Jesus and love our city. 

Under the vision and leadership of Pastor Bill Riedel, Redemption Hill was launched by a few passionate people in August 2011. Since then God has continued to open doors as Jesus has continued to build His church. We gather weekly at 4th & D St SE for worship and our members scatter throughout the DC metro area. We have grown to have Community Groups meeting throughout the city as well as in nearby Maryland and northern Virginia. We are excited to see what God will continue to do through us, by the power of the Holy Spirit and for the sake of His glory. Are you ready to be a part of the story? 

 Join us This Sunday

Each week Redemption Hill Church gathers together for worship. At these gatherings you can expect times of singing and prayer, preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to connect with others in community. Come as you are, dressed as you like, and join us on Sunday. You can expect to find a warm community and a safe place to ask questions. 

Redemption Hill Church currently meets Sundays at 9:00am & 5:00pm at historic Ebenezer UMC. 

400 D St. SE
Washington, DC 20003

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We provide childcare for kids from 6 weeks old through preschool at both our 9:00am & 5:00pm services. At our 9:00am service, kids ages Kindergarten through 5th grade join us for the first part of the service and are then dismissed for Kids Worship before the sermon. 6th graders and older join us throughout the service. Please see our Kids Worship page for more detail. 


Most street parking is free and has no time limit on Sundays. Signs that list a 2-hour time limit are generally restricted only Monday-Friday. You should be able to find parking within a few-block radius of the church building.

There are a few sections that are explicitly marked by red signs as “Zone 6 Resident Permit Parking Only”. These are not good places to park.


The BlueOrange, and Silver lines run through the Eastern Market Metro Station. As you arrive at the Eastern Market Station exit via the escalators and turn 180 degrees to walk toward the CVS at the corner of 7th St & D St SE and continue down D St SE. Ebenezer UMC is only three blocks down at 4th & D St SE.



90, 92, 93

  • Northbound - Exit at 8th & E St SE

  • Southbound - Exit at 8th & D St SE


  • Southbound only - Exit at Pennsylvania & 3rd St SE


  • Westbound - Exit at Pennsylvania & 5th St SE

  • Eastbound - Exit at Pennsylvania & North Carolina Ave SE

For a sample of the preaching, check out the sermons on this site.